Socrates on Egoism. Does he say we should be virtuous and egoists? - Núm. 19, Julio 2013 - Revista Co-herencia - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 481220878

Socrates on Egoism. Does he say we should be virtuous and egoists?

AutorDiana Hoyos Valdés
CargoMaster in Philosophy, University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia
Socrates on Egoism.
Does he say we should be virtuous
and egoists?*
Recibido: noviembre 12 de 2012 | Aprobado: agosto 3 de 2013
Diana Hoyos Valdés**
Revista Co-herencia Vol. 10, No 19 Julio - Diciembre 2013, pp. 41-56. Medellín, Colombia (ISSN 1794-5887)
* This paper is part of the
research project “Con-
siderations about Virtue
Ethics”, assigned to the
research group Tantalus
from the University of
  
  
from the same univer-
sity (from May 2010 to
May 2011).
** Master in Philosophy,
University of Caldas,
Manizales, Colombia.
PhD Philosophy Stu-
dent at the University
of Oklahoma-USA.
Fulbrighter 2011. Pro-
fessor, Department of
Philosophy, University
of Caldas.
En este artículo examino el problema de si la
concepción socrática de la eudaimonia entraña el
egoísmo. Esto es, si, según Sócrates, un hombre
  
Este punto de vista parece entrar en contradicción con lo que
pensamos comúnmente acerca de lo que debe decir una teoría
blema en dos grupos: los formalistas y los sustantivistas, con base
en sus objetivos generales. Argumento que la segunda clase de
enfoque es más efectiva, puesto que trata de interpretar la teoría
de Sócrates como un todo y la hace más coherente. Asume que
Sócrates ofrece una teoría de la motivación humana para actuar
en la que el agente busca su felicidad, pero otorgando también
una función central a la amistad, el amor y la justicia.
Palabras clave
eudaimonía, virtudes, egoísmo, Sócrates, Klosko, Nakhnikian,
Rudebusch, Irwin.
Socrates on Egoism. Does he say we should be virtuous
and egoists?
In this paper I address the issue whether Socratic
eudaimonia entails egoism. It is, whether accor-
ding to Socrates’ view a man who acts having
     
seems to be in contradiction with what we commonly think a
moral theory must say. I gather previous attempts to answer this
question in two big groups: formalists and substantivists, based on
their general objectives. I argue that the second kind of approach
is more effective because it tries to see and interpret Socratic
theory as a whole and make it more coherent. It takes Socrates
as providing a theory of human motivation to act in which the
agent seeks his happiness, but in which friendship, love, and jus-
tice play a fundamental role.
Key words
eudaimonia, virtues, egoism, Socrates, Klosko, Nakhnikian, Ru-
debusch, Irwin.
According to Socrates’ eudaimonism, the good is one’s own hap-
    
This seems to entail egoism, in the sense the answer to the question
    -
ying ‘because it makes me happy’.
But there are also common sense views about what ethics,
morality, and being a virtuous agent mean that seem to be contra-
dictory with the idea that the Socratic moral view entails egoism.
So we could ask: ‘In the Socratic theory, can a virtuous agent be
  
question of whether Socratic ethical theory entails egoism.
In order to do that, I will present and examine some previous
attempts to do this. I will divide these attempts into two general
formalist, because it focuses mainly
on the form of the Socratic arguments and their coherence in parti-
cular dialogues; and I will call the second group substantive because
it seeks to evaluate Socrates’ position in a broader picture, in his
theory as a whole; in this sense they seem to be seeing Socrates as
holding a more substantial position about human motivation. My
   -
tant in the sense that it allows us to see the strength of Socrates’
arguments in particular places, a more charitable interpretation and
one that addresses the problem I will be outlining needs to explain
the Socratic theory as a whole to assess its coherence1.
I. The problem:
In the Gorgias, during Socrates’ dispute with Polus about the
usefulness of oratory, Socrates asks:
Do you think that when people do something, they want the thing
they’re doing at the time, or the things for the sake of which they do
          
prescribed by their doctors, for instance, want what they’re doing, the
act of taking the medicine, with all its discomfort, or do they want to
1 Obviously, it means we need to know his theory as a whole very well, and I don’t pretend to have such
knowledge of the Socratic theory. On this evaluation of Socratic theory, I will follow George Rude-
busch (2003) and Terrence Irwin (1977).
Socrates on Egoism.
Does he say we should be virtuous and egoists?
Diana Hoyos Valdés

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