Aplicación de una estructura contractual específica a favor de un tercero en contrato de transporte de pasajeros - Núm. 16, Enero 2020 - Jurídicas CUC - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 843967973

Aplicación de una estructura contractual específica a favor de un tercero en contrato de transporte de pasajeros

AutorDiana Sergeevna Fedotova
CargoUlyanovsk State University. Ulyanovsk (Russian Federation)
© The author; licensee Universidad de la Cost a - CUC.
JURÍDIC AS CUC vol. 16 no. 1, pp. 323–338. E nero - Diciembre, 2020
Barranquil la. ISSN 1692-3030 I mpreso, ISSN 2389-7716 Online
JURÍDICAS CUC, vol. 16 no. 1, pp. 323 –338. Enero - Diciembre, 2020
Aplicación de una estructura contractual
especíca a favor de un tercero en
contrato de transporte de pasajeros
Applying a specic contractual structure
in favor of a third party to a passenger
carriage contract
DOI: htt ps://doi.or g/10.179 81/juridcuc.16 .1.2020.14
Fecha de Recepción: 17/09/2019 Fecha de Aceptación: 10/02/2020
Diana Sergeevna Fedotova
Ulyanovsk State University. Ulyanovsk (Russian Federation)
Para citar este artículo:
Fedotova, D. (2020). A plicación de una estructura contractual especíca a favor de un tercero en
contrato de transporte de pasajeros. Jurídicas CUC, 16(1), 323–338. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17981/
juridcuc.16 .1.2020.14
El artículo analiza la p osibilidad de conformar un
contrato de transporte de pasajeros de acuerdo con el
modelo de contrato a favor de un tercero. En caso de
que las organizaciones celebren contratos para el trans-
porte de grupos organizados de pasajeros, se puede
aplicar una estructura contractual especíca a favor
de un tercero. Como terceros a cuyo favor se celebra el
contrato de transporte de pasajeros, se pueden conside-
rar menores de edad. Se revelan las contradicciones de
la legislación civil actual con respecto a la cali cación
de menores como pasajeros. La base metodológica del
estudio está conformada por los siguientes métodos. El
enfoque sistemático se ha utilizado para identicar el
papel y el lugar del contrato de transporte de pasajeros
en el sistema de contratos de derecho civil e identicar
contradicciones en el derecho civil. El método de com-
paración se ha utilizado activamente para identicar
similitudes y di ferencias en la regulación legal del
contrato de transporte de pasajeros según el derecho y
la legislación de varios estados. El método de modelado
legal se ha utilizado en el análisis de estructuras con-
tra ctu ale s es pec íc as, que cons tit uyen mode los lega les ,
y en el diseño del contrato de transporte de pasajeros.
También se han utilizado métodos de lógica formal y
dialéctica. La contribución al estudio, la constituye la
argumentación cientíca de la necesidad de mejorar la
estructura legal del contrato de transporte de pasajeros
según el modelo del contrato a favor de un tercero.
Palabras clave : C ód ig o c om par ti do; c ont rat o a fav or de
un tercero; contrato de transporte; menores de edad;
transportista, estructuras jurídicas.
The ar ticle considers the possibility of drawing a
passenger carriage contract based on the model of
beneciary contracts. In the case of the conclusion
by organizations of carriage contracts for organized
groups of passengers, a specic contractual struc-
ture in favor of a third party may be applied. Minor
children can be considered third parties in whose
favor a passenger carriage contract is concluded.
The contradictions of the curr ent civil legislation
regarding the consideration of minor children as
passengers have been revealed. The methodological
basis of the study includes the following methods.
A systematic approach is used to identify the role
and place of the passenger car riage contract in the
system of civil law contracts, as well as contradic-
tions in civil law. Comparison is actively used to
identify similarities and differences in the legal
reg u lat io n o f the p as sen ge r c a rr ia ge co ntr ac t un der
the l eg isl at ion o f v ar io us co un tr ies . Le ga l mod el in g
is used in the analysis of specic contractual struc-
tures, which are legal models, and in modeling
the structure of the passenger carr iage contract.
Methods of formal and dialec tic logic are used as
well. T he contribution t o the study of the issue is
associated with the scientic justication of the
need to i mprove the legal structure of the pas-
senger carriage contract according to the contract
model in favor of a third party.
Keywords: Beneciary contract; carriage con-
tract; codeshare; minor children; carrier, statu-
tory concept.
A special contractual structure in favor of a third party has long
been used in civil circulation and is the current spotlight of civilians
(Butovskii, 1910; Sinaiskii, 1918; Savatier, 1972; Pobedonostsev,
2003; Novitskii, 2006; Musabirova and Hamitov, 2017; Kirillova,
Bogdan, Lagutin and Gorevoy, 2019; Lenkovskaya, Kuleshov, Turkin
and Burova, 2019; Savtsova, Volkova, Bogmatsera and Lutovinova
It is used to regulate public relations in many areas of the
Russian economy. Transport services are no exception. The statu-
tory concept of a beneciary contract is often considered in relation
to a contract for the carriage of goods. This statement concerns not
only the Russian civil law but also the legislation of other states.
According to Dutch Civil Code (Art. 6:253, Part 1), a reference to
a clause in the contract stipulates the right of a third party that is
not a party to this contract to demand its execution by one of the
actual parties to the contract (Van de Velde, 2015). However, this
reference is also applicable to other transportation obligations, in
particular, to passenger carriage contracts. At the very least, we
should consider its possible use for transporting organized groups
of passengers and minor children, as well as concluding codeshare
agreements. We should examine each of these cases starting from
the general idea of a special contractual structure in favor of a third
pa r t y.
The doctrinal aspect of this study is also connected with the fact
that the regulation of passenger carriage contracts does not fully
comply with the existing circumstances. There is no unequivocal
scienti c v iew on t he es sentia l condition s of s uch agre eme nts; spec ic
features of transportation services are not dened.
The study aims to form a comprehensive scientic concept of the
possible transformation of a passenger carriage contract into a ben-
eciary contract.
To achieve thi s objec tive , it is ne cess ary to solv e t he follow ing task s:
To dene a statutory concept and special contractual structure;
To form a scientic concept of beneciary contracts;

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