Conversaciones circulares y oportunidades perdidas: Jerarquías de experticia sobre la nutrición en la Bolivia post-revolucionaria - Núm. 26, Septiembre 2018 - Revista CS de Ciencias Sociales - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 758283729

Conversaciones circulares y oportunidades perdidas: Jerarquías de experticia sobre la nutrición en la Bolivia post-revolucionaria

AutorNicole Pacino
* Nicole Pacino is an Assistant Professor of History at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Her articles are published
in Diplomatic History, the Journal of Women’s History, the Bulletin of Latin American Research, and História, Ciências,
Saúde-Manguinhos, among others. Her research interests include history of medicine and public health, revolutions and
social movements, and gender history. ORCID:
** The research data that provided the framework for the article derived from my dissertation, «Prescription for a Nation:
Public Health in Post-Revolutionary Bolivia, 1952-1964», which was completed at the University of California, Santa
Barbara between 2010 and 2013. The University of California, Santa Barbara Graduate Division, History Department,
and Interdisciplinary Humanities Center provided funding for this project, for which I was the principle investigator. I
also received funding from the Rockefeller Archive Center, the Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley,
and the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library. Artículo recibido el 23-07-2018 y aceptado 06-08-2018.
CS / ISSN 2011-0324 / Número 26 / 15 - 43 / Septiembre - Diciembre, 2018
Conversaciones circulares y oportunidades perdidas: Jerarquías de
experticia sobre la nutrición en la Bolivia post-revolucionaria
Circular Conversations and
Missed Opportunities: Hierarchies
of Nutrition Expertise in Post-
Revolutionary Bolivia**
University of Alabama in Huntsville (Huntsville, Estados Unidos)
Conversas circulares e oportunidades perdidas: hierarquias de
expertise em nutrição na Bolívia pós-revolucionaria
Cómo citar
P, N. (2018). Circular Conversations and Missed
Opportunities: Hierarchies of Nutrition Expertise in Post-
Revolutionary Bolivia. Revista CS, (26), 15-43.

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