Defining Terrorism and Victims of Terrorism in Comparative Law - Núm. 18, Enero 2018 - Criterio Jurídico Garantista - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 738466121

Defining Terrorism and Victims of Terrorism in Comparative Law

AutorLinda Marcela Cortés Sánchez
CargoLLM Candidate University of Toronto. Abogada, Universidad Externado de Colombia
Criterio Jurídico Garantista. (Ene.–Jun. de 2018). Vol. 11, n.o 18, 15-44.
: 2145-3381. Bogotá: Universidad Autónoma de Colombia.
Defining Terrorism and Victims of Terrorism
in Comparative Law*1
Definiendo el terrorismo y victimas del terrorismo
en derecho comparativo
TIONAL LAW – A. Victims and the UN Conventions on Anti-terrorism – B.
Victims in the UN Resolutions 1566 (2004) and 1624 (2005) – C. Victims in the
UN Resolution 40/34 (1985) and UN Resolution 60/147 (2005) – D. Victims
of Terrorism according to their Special Status - II. DEFINING VICTIMS OF
TERRORISM IN DOMESTIC LAW – A. Victims of Terrorism in Compara-
tive Anti-terrorism Law – B. Victims of Terrorism in Comparative Law Scholar –
C. Victims of Terrorism from a Public Health Definition – D. Victims of Terror-
ism under Colombian Law – III. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS – Bibliography.
Recepción: 2017/10/02 – Evaluación: 2018/10/20 – Aprobación: 2018/10/31
* Cómo citar este artículo. Cortés Sánchez, L. M. (Enero-junio de 2018). Defining Terrorism and Victims of Terrorism in Com-
parative Law. Criterio Jurídico Garantista, 11(18), 15-44.
1. Artículo de investigación terminada en desarrollo de la maestría en Derecho, Universidad de Toronto.
2. LLM Candidate University of Toronto. Abogada, Universidad Externado de Colombia.
Artículo de reflexión
How terrorism affects the rights of people. The rights of victims are a crucial element in normalizing a country
after a crisis. Define what a victim of terrorism is, it is a priority task, due to the gaps of a consensual defini-
tion through the legal concepts of terrorism. It is political rhetoric that defines who can be considered a victim.
A victim of a bombing in Libya is not the same as a victim of the armed conflict in Colombia. Where massive
violations of human rights are used as a method. Defining the victims of terrorism requires a dialogue and a
political agreement. In this article the lawyer and candidate for a law magister degree, Linda Marcela Cortés,
analyzes such definitions in international and domestic legislation, and its relevance, in public health, as well.
The challenges of the antiterrorist law are presented as a new branch of international law, by the slow change
and under the political rhetoric of international humanitarian basic notions of law.
KEYWORDS: Victims of Terrorism, rights of victims, Special Status, international and domestic legislation.
Como el terrorismo afecta derechos de las personas, los derechos de las víctimas son un elemento crucial para
normalizar un país después de una crisis. Definir qué es una víctima de terrorismo es una tarea prioritaria, debido
a los vacíos de una definición consensual a través de los conceptos legales de terrorismo. Es la retórica política
la que define quién puede considerarse víctima. No es lo mismo una víctima de un bombardeo en Libia que una
víctima del conflicto armado en Colombia, donde se usan las violaciones masivas a derechos humanos como mé-
todo. Definir las víctimas de terrorismo requiere un diálogo y un acuerdo político, de ahí que en este artículo la
abogada y candidata a maestra en leyes, Linda Marcela Cortés, analice tal definición en la legislación internacio-
nal y doméstica y, por su pertinencia, la de salud pública, así como los desafíos del derecho antiterrorista como
nueva rama del derecho internacional, al cambiar lentamente y bajo la retórica política las nociones básicas del
derecho internacional humanitario.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Víctimas del terrorismo, derechos de las víctimas, estatus especial, legislación internacio-
nal y doméstica.
I wanted initially to reflect on the rights of the
victims of terrorism because if terrorism aims
at people’s rights, it is a crucial element to con-
sider for normalizing after a crisis. Defining vic-
tims of terrorism was a priority. As Professor
Kent Roach said, it was an interesting aspect of
the debate that the dissertation should explore.3
However, it became the main purpose of my pa-
per due to the difficulties to find a consensual
definition through legal and political concepts
3. This paper was initially my research paper for the course Counter-Terrrorism in Comparative Law and Policy taught by Kent
Roach in the Law Faculty at the University of Toronto in 2008. It was updated to include the last Colombian Law in 2013.
Defining Terrorism and Victims of Terrorism in Comparative Law
Criterio Jurídico Garantista. (Ene.–Jun. de 2018). Vol. 11, n.o 18, 15-44.
: 2145-3381. Bogotá: Universidad Autónoma de Colombia.

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