From Territorial Peace to Territorial Pacification: Anti-Riot Police Powers and Socio-Environmental Dissent in the Implementation of Colombia's Peace Agreement - Núm. 67, Enero 2019 - Revista de Estudios Sociales - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 772421097

From Territorial Peace to Territorial Pacification: Anti-Riot Police Powers and Socio-Environmental Dissent in the Implementation of Colombia's Peace Agreement

AutorMaría Carolina Olarte-Olarte
CargoPhD and Master's degrees in Law and Human Rights from Birkbeck College, University of London (United Kingdom)
From Territorial Peace to Territorial Pacification: Anti-Riot Police
Powers and Socio-Environmental Dissent in the Implementation
of Colombia’s Peace Agreement1*
María Carolina Olarte-Olarte**
Received date: March 18, 2018 · Acceptance date: July 5, 2018 · Modication date: November 9, 2018
How to cite: Olarte-Olarte, María Carolina. 2019. “From Territorial Peace to Territorial Pacication: Anti-Riot Police Powers
and Socio-Environmental Dissent in the Implementation of Colombia’s Peace Agreement”. Revista de Estudios Sociales 67: 26-39.
ABSTRACT | During the negotiation and implementation of the Havana Peace Agreements in Colombia, a twofold
mechanism used to deal with the increasing number of socio-environmental conicts has remained constant:
the strengthening of the anti-riot police forces and certain institutional spatial assumptions underlying the
promotion of a particular form of postconict productivity. This article attempts to undertake a preliminary
analysis of the relationship between, one the one hand, the enactment and threat of police power in
socio-environmental protests and, on the other, the enforcement and reproduction of a sense of the territory
as an object whose elements can be neatly fragmented. In contrast, socio-environmental processes put
forward a deeply relational, uid and interdependent sense of their territories. Increased police intervention
in these processes, we will argue, are not only framing socio-environmental conicts arising from or linked to
the continuity of conict related inequalities as security issues, but also reframing so-called “territorial peace”
into a territorial pacication.
KEYWORDS | Author: antiriot police; rural protest; socio-environmental dissent; transitional justice
De la paz territorial a la pacificación territorial: los poderes de policía antimotines y el disenso
socioambiental en la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz en Colombia
RESUMEN | Durante la negociación e implementación del Acuerdo de Paz de La Habana, en Colombia ha
permanecido constante un mecanismo doble para tratar los crecientes conictos socioambientales: el
fortalecimiento de la policía antimotines y ciertos presupuestos institucionales sobre el espacio, sobre la base
de la promoción de una forma particular de productividad para el posconicto. Este artículo busca hacer un
análisis preliminar, por una parte, de la relación entre la representación y amenaza de la fuerza de policía en
protestas socioambientales, y, por otra, del uso de la fuerza policial para la protección y reproducción de una
noción del territorio como un objeto cuyos elementos pueden ser nítidamente fragmentados. En contraste,
los procesos socioambientales movilizan con frecuencia una comprensión de sus territorios profundamente
1 Many tha nks to Dia na Mari a Prieto y Alej andro Muñoz fo r committed re search ass istance, a nd to the organi zers of the work shop
and the rev iewers at Revista de Estudios S ociales for insig htful comment s on a previous ver sion of this ar ticle.
* This article is based on a paper presented at the “Thinking About Law and Violence in the Colombian Post-Conflict with Jean and
John Comaroff,” workshop, held at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) in October 2017. It is part of a broader research project
funded by Fondo FAPA, Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones, Universidad de los Andes.
** PhD and Master’s degrees in Law and Human Rights from Birkbeck College, University of London (United Kingdom). Assistant
professor at the School of Law at Universidad de los Andes. Latest publications: “Understanding the Political Economy of Transi-
tional Justice: A Critical Theory Perspective” (in co-authorship). In Transitional Justice Theories, edited by Susanne Buckely-Zistel,
Teresa Koloma Beck, Christian Braun and Friederike Mieth, 201-221. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis, 2014; “Depoliticization and
Criminalization of Social Protest through Economic Decisionism: The Colombian Case.” Oñati Socio-Legal Series 4 (1): 139-160, 2014.

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