International Environmental Law for the 21st Century: The Constitutionalization of the Tight to a Healthy Environment in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Advisory Opinion 23 - Núm. 12, Enero 2019 - Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 776794369

International Environmental Law for the 21st Century: The Constitutionalization of the Tight to a Healthy Environment in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Advisory Opinion 23

AutorMonica Feria-Tinta - Simon C. Milnes
CargoThe author is barrister (advocates), member of the English Bar who practise at 20 Essex Street Chambers, 20 Essex Street, London, WC2R 3AL, United Kingdom - The author is barrister (advocates), member of the English Bar who practise at 20 Essex Street Chambers, 20 Essex Street, London, WC2R 3AL, United Kingdom
ACDI, Bogotá, ISSN: 2027-1131/ISSNe: 2145-4493, Vol. 12, pp. 43-84, 2019
International Environmental Law for
the 21st Century: The Constitutionalization
of the Tight to a Healthy Environment
in the Inter-American Court of Human
Rights Advisory Opinion 23
Fecha de recepción: 5 de febrero de 2018
Fecha de aceptación: 6 de julio de 2018
Monica Feria-Tinta
Simon C. Milnes*
Abstract: This article analyses the recent Advisory Opinion of the Inter-
American Court of Human Rights on Environment and Human Rights
and argues that it constitutes a milestone effectively reorientating interna-
tional environmental law. The article is divided as follows. First, it analyses
the most salient aspects of the Advisory Opinion inter alia (1) The right
to a healthy environment as binding law and; (2) The Advisory Opinion as a
landmark in the gradual development of international jurisprudence on
* The authors are barristers (advocates), members of the English Bar who practise
at 20 Essex Street Chambers, 20 Essex Street, London, WC2R 3AL, United Kingdom
(; Mr Milnes wishes to thank and
acknowledge Santiago Díaz-Cediel and Ignacio F. Grazioso for a long interchange of
ideas in the course of pre paring an amicus curiae brief and oral submissions to the Inter-
American Court of Human Rights on its recent advisory opinion discussed below, under
the auspices of the Georg etown University Human Rights Institute.
Para citar este artículo: Feria-Tinta, M. & Milnes, S. C., “International environmental law for the 21st century:
the constitutionalization of the right to a healthy environment in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Advisory Opinion 23”, Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional (acdi), 2019, 12, pp. 43-84. Doi: dx.doi.
ACDI, Bogotá, ISSN: 2027-1131/ISSNe: 2145-4493, Vol. 12, pp. 7-330, 2019
International Environmental Law for the 21st Century: The
Constitutionalization of the Right to a Healthy Environment in the
Inter-American Court of Human Rights Advisor y Opinion 23
cross-border (or “diagonal”) human rights obligations (i.e. the possibil-
ity for human rights claims to be brought by individuals not under the
territorial jurisdiction of the State whose international responsibility for
environmental harm is invoked). Second, it contextualizes the Advisory
Opinion by discussing what we consider to be four key vectors currently
affecting the trajectory of the ongoing development of international en-
vironmental law and how the advances made in the Advisory Opinion t
with those developments. Third, it places the Advisory Opinion in the
wider context of developments moving towards a needed reorientation in
international environmental law, in particular: integration (or de-fragmentation)
of international law, the operationalization of environmental principles into
working-level legal norms, and a focus on practical remedies. It is argued that
as the world experiences the pressure for more effective environmental law
and accountability, some of the most sophisticated and innovative thinking
on international environmental law today, is emanating from countries in
the Southern hemisphere, as attested to by the Advisory Opinion.
Keywords: Environmental law, diagonal obligations, remedies, Right to a
healthy environment, Advisory Opinion 23, Inter-American Court of
Human Rights, International Dispute Resolution, investment law, de-
fragmentation of international law.
Derecho ambiental internacional para el siglo xxi:
la constitucionalización del derecho a un medio ambiente
sano en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
Opinión Consultiva número 23
Resumen: este artículo analiza la reciente Opinión Consultiva de la Corte
Interamericana de Derechos Humanos sobre el Medio Ambiente y los
Derechos Humanos y sostiene que constituye un hito que reorienta efecti-
vamente el derecho ambiental internacional. El artículo está dividido como
sigue: En primer lugar, analiza los aspectos más destacados de la Opinión
Consultiva, entre otros (1) El derecho a un medio ambiente sano como
derecho vinculante; (2) La Opinión Consultiva como un hito en el desar-
rollo gradual de la jurisprudencia internacional sobre las obligaciones de
derechos humanos transfronterizas (o “diagonales”) (es decir, la posibili-
dad de que los individuos que no están bajo la jurisdicción territorial del
Estado presentendemandas de derechos humanos cuya responsabilidad
ACDI, Bogotá, ISSN: 2027-1131/ISSNe: 2145-4493, Vol. 12, pp. 43-84, 2019
Monica Feria-Tinta, Simon C. Milnes
internacional por daños ambientales se invoca). En segundo lugar, el artí-
culo contextualiza la Opinión Consultiva al analizar lo que consideramos
cuatro vectores claves que afectan actualmente la trayectoria del desarrollo
en curso del derecho ambiental internacional, y cómo los avances logrados
en la Opinión Consultiva encajan con esos desarrollos. En tercer lugar,
coloca la Opinión Consultiva en el contexto más amplio de los desarrollos
que se dirigen hacia una reorientación necesaria en el derecho ambiental
internacional, en particular: la integración (o des-fragmentación) del derecho
internacional, la operacionalización de los principios ambientales en las
normas legales a nivel práctico y un enfoque en remedios. Se argumenta
que en tanto que el mundo experimenta la presión por normas de derecho
medioambiental más efectivas y con consecuencias legales si son violadas,
ejemplos de pensamientos más sosticados e innovadores en materia de
derecho del medio ambiente actual, vienen emanando de los países del
hemisferio sur, como lo conrma la Opinión Consultiva.
Palabras clave: derecho del medioambiente, derecho a un ambiente sano,
obligaciones diagonales, Opinión Consultiva 23, Corte Inter-Americana
de Derechos Humanos, Resolución de Conictos Internacionales, derecho
de inversión, de-fragmentación del derecho internacional.
Direito ambiental internacional para o século xxi:
a constitucionalização do direito a um meio ambiente saudável
na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos Opinião
Consultiva número 23
Resumo: este artigo analisa a recente Opinião Consultiva da Corte Inte-
ramericana de Direitos Humanos sobre o Meio Ambiente e os Direitos
Humanos e sustenta que constitui um marco que reorienta efetivamente
o direito ambiental internacional. O artigo está dividido como segue: em
primeiro lugar, analisa os aspectos mais destacados da Opinião Consul-
tiva, entre outros (1) O direito a um meio ambiente saudável como direito
vinculante; (2) A opinião Consultiva como um marco no desenvolvimento
gradual da jurisprudência internacional sobre as obrigações de direitos hu-
manos transnacionais (ou “diagonais”) (é dizer, a possibilidade de que os
indivíduos que não estejam sob a jurisdição territorial do Estado apresente
demandas de direitos humanos cuja responsabilidade internacional por
danos ambientais invoca-se). Em segundo lugar, o artigo contextualiza a

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