El estado legal de los tokens y su herencia - Núm. 16, Enero 2020 - Jurídicas CUC - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 843967971

El estado legal de los tokens y su herencia

AutorElena Anatolyevna Kirillova, Oleg Evgenyevich Blinkov, Teymur Zulfugarzade, Aleksandr Vladimirovich Bocharov, Artur Yashevich Avdalyan
CargoSouthwest State University. Kursk (Federation Russia)/Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Ryazan (Federation Russia)/Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Moscow (Federation Russia)/Russian State University of Tourism and Services Studies. Cherkizovo. (Federation Russia)/Russian State University of Tourism and Services ...
© The author; licensee Universidad de la Cost a - CUC.
JURÍDIC AS CUC vol. 16 no. 1, pp. 287–302. Enero - Dic iembre, 2020
Barranquil la. ISSN 1692-3030 I mpreso, ISSN 2389-7716 Online
JURÍ DICAS CUC, vol. 16 no. 1, pp. 287–302. Enero - Diciembre, 2020
El estado legal de los tokens y su herencia
The legal status of tokens and their inheritance
Este artículo ana liza el estado legal de los tokens, sus carac-
terísticas especícas y dist intivas, así como la posibilidad
de herencia de este activo digital. El objetivo del estudio es
analizar la natura leza legal y la clasicación de los tokens,
así como las especialidades de herencia. En esta investigación,
se han utilizado los métodos de recopilación y estudio de sin-
gularid ades, generalización, abstracción cientíca, cognición
de leyes objetivas, objetividad, especicidad y pluralismo. En
el estudio se ha concluido que el token es una entrada en el
registro de bloques de transacciones (blockchai n), otro sistema
de información distribuida que verica que el propietar io del
token tiene derechos sobre objetos de derechos civiles y (o) es
una criptomoneda. Se ha demostrado que los tokens, por su
naturaleza legal, son unidad del precio digita l en las accio-
nes de individuos en proyectos empresariales, así como en el
capital autorizado de la empresa: un análogo del precio digital
de valores no certi cados; análogo del precio digital de otros
objetos de derechos civiles. Se ha propuesto una clasi cación
de tokens y se ha argumentado la necesidad de crear un repo-
sitorio electrónico contenido códigos del acceso para activos
digitales, después de la muerte del t estador, estos códi gos
pueden presentarse a los herederos por testamento o ley, si el
testador no ha hecho las disposiciones testamentarias cor res-
pondientes durante su vida. Estas conclusiones y sugerencias
ayu dar án a re sol ver en l a pr áct ica los pr oble mas de c al ic ac ión
legal del token y resolver problemas de herencia en esta área.
Palabras clave: Criptomoneda; estado legal; heredero; tecno -
logía de blockchain; tecnología d igital; token.
This article considers the legal status of tokens, their
spe ci c s and dis ti nct iv e featu re s, as wel l as the pos si bi lit y
of inheriting this dig ital asset. The study aims at analyz-
ing the legal nature and classication of tokens, as well as
the speci cs of their inheritance. While conducting this
research, it has been used the methods of collecti ng and
studying singularities, generalization, scientic abstrac-
tion, cognition of objective laws, objectivity, spec icity
and pluralism. It has been concluded that a token is an
entry in the transaction block registr y (blockchain) or
other distributed in formation systems, which certi es
that the token owner is entitled to civil law protections
and/or is a cryptocu rrency. It has been proved that tokens
by their legal nature are digital u nits of accounting in the
participating interest shares of entrepreneuria l projects
and authorized capitals of any company, digital price
analogues of uncerticated securities and other objects of
civil law. It has been developed a classication of tokens
and emphasized the need to create an electronic data
warehouse that contains access codes for these digital
assets. After the testator’s death, these codes can be g iven
to the heir by testa ment or by law in case the testator
did not draw up the corresp onding testament duri ng
their life. These conclusions and suggestions will allow
to legally qualify t okens and resolve inheritance issues
in this area.
Keywords: Blockchain technology ; cryptocurrency; dig ital
technologies; heir; legal status; token.
DOI: htt ps://doi.or g/10 .17981/ jur idcuc .16.1.2 020 .12
Fecha de Recepción: 05/03/2020. Fecha de Aceptación: 20/03/2020.
Elena Anatolyevna Kirillova
Southwest State University. Kursk (
Oleg Evgenyevich Blinkov
Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Ryazan (
State University of Humanities and Social Studies. Kolomna (
Teymur Zulfugarzade
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Moscow (
Aleksandr Vladimirovich Bocharov
Russian State University of Tourism and Services Studies. Cherkizovo. (
Artur Yashevich Avdalyan
Russian State University of Tourism and Services Studies. Cherkizovo (
648096@mail.r u
Para citar este artículo:
Kirillova, E. Blinkov, O., Zulfugarzade, T., B ocharov, A . & Avdalyan, A. (2020). El estado legal
de los tokens y su herencia. Jurídicas CUC, 16(1), 287–302. DOI: htt p://dx.doi.org /10.17981/
juridcuc.16 .1.2 020.12
The rapid development of information technologies conditions the forma-
ti on of new ob jec ts of c ivi l law, in clud in g dig ita l as set s, ele ctr on ic mea ns
of payment, digitized creative products, software, cryptocurrency,
smart contracts, tokens, etc. The lack of understanding and proper
legal regulation of modern technologies hinder the implementation of
their practical component. Their legal recognition and enshrinement
are conditioned by the need to create the possibility of subjective rights
to these objects that could be exercised and protected by the methods
established by civil law (Kotlyarov, 2018). One of the main debatable
issues is the possibility of inheriting digital objects. However, litigation
practice has not been fully formed in this area and this problem will
need to be resolved at the legislative level in the nearest future.
The current trends in the development of public relations that deter-
mine the need for adjusting civil legislation in the eld of inheriting
digital objects are as follows:
The complication of objects of civil law;
The formation of specic objects that cannot be attributed to tradi-
tional things;
The formation of new objects that are not enshrined in civil law.
Wit hin the f ramework of civil l aw, the formation of new d igita l obj ects
of civil rights conditions the doctrinal development of their legal nature
and distinctive features. Tokens are the most common digital objects
and there is a relevant question of whether tokens (digital assets) can
be regarded as independent objects of inheritance. To this day, scholars
have comprehensively analyzed the legal nature of tokens but omitted
inheritance issues. At the same time, the rapid development of this
sphere requires a prompter response of the scientic community to this
LIterature rev Iew
Scholars and experts wrote many scientic works on determining the
legal status of tokens. Thus, Savelyev (2018) considered some risks
of the tokenization and blockchainization of private law. Zachariadis,

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