New drug trafficking armed groups in Colombia and the applicability of International Humanitarian Law - Núm. 6-1, Enero 2015 - EAFIT. Journal of International Law - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 640639897

New drug trafficking armed groups in Colombia and the applicability of International Humanitarian Law

AutorMarcela Barón-Soto - Alejandro Gómez-Velásquez
CargoLL.M in International Legal Studies (American University, Washington D.C) - LL.M in International Legal Studies (American University, Washington D.C)
nEw drug trafficking armEd groups
in colombia and thE applicability of
intErnational humanitarian law
loS nuevoS grupoS armadoS narCoTrafiCanTeS en Colombia
y la apliCabilidad del dereCho inTernaCional humaniTario
By: Marcela Barón-Soto1andAlejandroGómez-Velásquez2
Fecha de recepción: 31 de marzo de 2015
Fecha de aprobación: 6 de mayo de 2015
Colombian’s new drug trafcking groups show us a violent scenario that must be carefully
analyze. The level of violence and deathly consequences that can be attributable to them
must make us pay attention of the law that is applicable to them and to the Colombian
armed forces when they are acting against those groups. In Colombia, the government and
authorities have admitted an easy position, establishing that these new groups –called
BACRIM- are simply gangs or common delinquency, while they in many occasions act as
something else. Accordingly, the purpose on this paper is to analyze the particular case of
one of these groups in relation to the applicability of International Humanitarian Law rules
of non-international armed conicts, seeking to contribute to the discussion about which
regulatory framework is applicable to this phenomenon.
Key words: Non-international armed conict, BACRIM, International Humanitarian Law,
1 LL.M in International L egal Studies (American U niversity, Washington D.C), Spec ialist in Human Rights (Univer sidad
Complutense,Madrid),At torneyandPoliticalSc ientist(UniversidadE AFIT,Medellín).mbaronso@eat.e
2 LL.M in International Legal Studies (A merican Universit y, Washington D.C), Master in Consti tutional Law (CEPC,
Madrid ), Attorney, Politic al Scientist and Specialist in Public L aw (Universidad EAFIT, Medellín). Associate Profe ssor
onPubliclawatUniversidadE AFIT-Medellín.agomezv1@ea
new DRug TRafficking aRmeD gRouPs in colombia anD
The aPPlicabiliTy of inTeRnaTional humaniTaRian law
maRcela baRón-soTo anD alejanDRo gómez-Velásquez
Vol. 6, 01. | January - June 2015, Colombia
Los nuevos grupos narcotracantes en Colombia plantean un escenario violento que merece
ser analizado cuidadosamente. El nivel de violencia y el número de muertes atribuibles
a estos grupos ameritan analizar con sumo rigor jurídico el marco normativo aplicable
para su combate por parte de las autoridades colombianas. En Colombia, el gobierno y
las demás autoridades han asumido una posición simple al respecto considerando que
muchos de estos nuevos grupos, denominados indistintamente BACRIM, son solo bandas
de delincuencia común, mientras que en muchas ocasiones actúan como algo más. En este
sentido, el propósito de este artículo es analizar el caso particular de uno de estos grupos
denominados como BACRIM y analizar según su accionar la aplicabilidad de las normas del
Derecho Internacional Humanitario de los conictos no- internacionales, buscando con ello
contribuir de alguna manera a la discusión sobre los marcos jurídicos aplicables a dicho
fenómeno criminal.
Palabras clave: Conflicto armado no internacional, BACRIM, Derecho Internacional
Humanitario, combatientes.
Theexistentinternational legalframeworkon non-international armedconicts isnow an
evolving framework and it is facing new realities. Its complexity is evident in the rules that
have been established, but mainly in its application. Constantly we have to face political
discussions concerning the applicability of international humanitarian law, when what is
reallyneed and is required is legal analysis about it. Thus, the world willsee in coming
years how the new realities andc onicts willnece ssarily generatethe creation of new
regulatory changes in this topic or at least new interpretations of the existing law by case
law development.
Colombian’snewdrugtrafckinggroups showusaviolentscenariothatmustbe carefully
analyze.Thelevelofviolenceanddeathlyconsequences thatcan beattributable tothem
must make us pay attention of the law that is applicable to them and to the Colombian
armed forces when they are acting against those groups. In Colombia the authorities
have admitted an easy position, establishing that these new groups –called BACRIM- are
Accordingly, the purpose on this paper is to analyze the particular case of these groups in
relation to the international humanitarian law rules of non-international armed conicts,
seeking to contribute to the discussion about which regulatory framework is applicable to
this phenomenon.

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