Psychometric properties of two adolescent depression scales in a colombian community sample: ADRS and RCADS -major depression - Núm. 1-2019, Enero 2019 - Psychología. Avances de la disciplina - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 807903321

Psychometric properties of two adolescent depression scales in a colombian community sample: ADRS and RCADS -major depression

AutorKelly Romero-Acosta, Lizzette Gómez-de-Regil
Psychometric ProPerties of two adolescent dePression scales
| Psychol. | Bogotá, colomBia | Vol. 13 | n.° 1 | P. 53-63 |enero - Junio| 2019 | issn 1900-2386 |
artículo dE iNVEstigaciÓN
PsychomEtric ProPErtiEs oF two adolEscENt
dEPrEssioN scalEs iN a colomBiaN commuNity
samPlE: adrs aNd rcads-maJor dEPrEssioN
ProPiEdadEs Psicométricas dE dos Escalas dE dEPrEsiÓN Para
adolEscENtEs EN uNa muEstra comuNitaria colomBiaNa: adrs y
rcads-dEPrEsiÓN mayor
KellY RomeRo-aCosta1, lizzette gómez-de-Regil21
1CoRPoRaCióN UNiveRsitaRia del CaRiBe (CeCaR), siNCeleJo – ColomBia
2hosPital RegioNal de alta esPeCialidad de la PeNíNsUla de YUCatáN, YUCatáN – méxiCo
FEcha rEcEPciÓN: 11/08/2018 • FEcha acEPtaciÓN: 27/12/2018
Para citar este artículo: Romero-Acosta, K., & Gómez-de-Regil, L. (2019). Psychometric properties of two adolescent depression
scales in a colombian community sample: ADRS and RCADS-major depression. Psychologia, 13(1), 53-63. doi: 10.21500/19002386.3844
Depression can occur at all ages; however, when it begins early in life, prognosis is less favorable. Early identification
and treatment provision need valid and reliable tools to assess depression in children and adolescents. The present
study aimed at analyzing, in a Colombian community sample, the psychometric properties of two brief depression sca-
les, using Classical Test Theory methods: The Adolescent Depression Rating Scale (ADRS) self-report version and the
Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS) – Major Depression Subscale. Analyses of both scales showed
most item-scale and item-item correlations to be moderate and significant. Internal consistency was significant and
adequate for both, ADRS (.67) and RCADS– Major Depression (.71). For ADRS, a two-factor solution explained
37.39% of variance while a one-single factor explained 25.99%. For RCADS-Major Depression, a two-factor solu-
tion explained 41.81% of variance while a one-single factor explained 29.14%. Construct validity was satisfactory, as
both scales showed moderate and significant correlations with the convergent (RCADS-Generalized Anxiety) and the
discriminant (KADS-11) criteria; yet, correlations with the former were stronger. Results provide further evidence in
favor of the ADRS and the RCADS-Major Depression as effective tools to assess depressive symptoms in children and
Keywords: Depression; psychometric properties; ADRS; RCADS
1 Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de la Península de Yucatán (HRAEPY). Calle 7, No. 433 por 20 y 22, Fraccionamiento Altabrisa. Mérida, Yucatán,
México, 97130. Tel. +52 (999) 942 7600. Fax +52 (999) 254 3535. Correo electrónico:

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