Modelos de internacionalización de las multilatinas - Núm. 21, Julio 2012 - Revista AD-minister - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 656146629

Modelos de internacionalización de las multilatinas

AutorJuanita Castro Olaya/Juliana Castro Olaya/Indira Jaller Cuéter
CargoDegree in International Business at Strasbourg University. Strasbourg, France/Degree in International Business at Strasbourg University. Strasbourg, France/Degree in International Business at Strasbourg University. Strasbourg, France
Internationalization Patterns
of Multilatinas
Modelos de internacionalización de las multilatinas
Received: 15/06/ 2012 Acepted: 29/09/2012
1 Degree in Inte rnational Busin ess at Strasbourg U niversity. Str asbourg, France. E -mail: jcastro9@
2 Degree in Inte rnational Busin ess at Strasbourg U niversity. Str asbourg, France. E -mail: jcastr12@eaf
3 Degree in Inte rnational Busin ess at Strasbourg U niversity. Str asbourg, France. E- mail: ijaller@ea
The following paper addresses an is sue that has been gai ning impo rtance in toda y’s
world: Mul tilatinas. Thos e ar e co mpanies that have emerg ed f rom Latin Americ an
develop ing economies and tha t d uring the last deca des have been growing re ally
fast in the natio nal and the internatio nal field. Through th is p aper we studied the
impor tance of M ultilatina s in the re gion, their common cha racteristi cs and thei r
intern ationaliza tion proces ses in order to identi fy if th ere is a co mmon patte rn in thei r
intern ational moves. Actua lly, t he ec onomic openness of Latin Ame rica in the 9 0s
left two opt ions for enterprise s: to mod ernize or to disapp ear. Theref ore, Multi latinas
represe nt the surv ivors from this ph enomenon that flourishe d in adverse condit ions
throug h a process o f “learn ing-by-d oing”.
Key Words:
Multilatinas; E MNEs (Emerging Multinati onal Enterprises); RDEs (Rapidl y Developing
Economies); Internationalizat ion Patterns, Economic Liberalization.
AD-minister Medellín-Colombia No. 21 julio - diciembre 2012 pp. 33 - 54 ISSN 1692-0279 e-ISSN: 2256-4322
Internationaliz ation Patterns of Multilatinas
El presente t rabajo aborda un tema q ue ha ido ganando impor tancia en el mundo ac tual:
las Multilatin as. Estas empresas han surgido de las economías en desarrollo de Améri ca
Latina y durante las últimas décadas han crecido exponencialmente tanto en el ámbito
nacional como internacional.
A través de este trabajo se estudia la importanci a de las Multilatinas en la región, sus
características comunes y sus procesos de internacionaliz ación con el fin de identificar
si existe un patrón común en sus movimientos in ternacionales. De hecho, la apert ura
económica que vivió A mérica Latina en los años 90 dejó dos opciones para las empres as:
modernizarse o desaparecer. Por lo tanto, las Multilatinas son las sobrevivientes de este
fenómeno que se desarrolló en condiciones adversas a través de un proceso de “Aprender-
Palabras claves:
Multilatinas; Empres as Multinacionales Emergentes (EMNEs); economías en vías de
desarrollo; patrones de in ternacionalización; liberalización económica.
F21, F23.
Today, Lati n America is highly i nfluenced f rom the South rather than from the North.
In fact, the emerging countries from Latin America are becoming important economic
powers, as well as strong actor s in the global arena, challenging no t only pl ayers from
other emerging economies but also world le aders from developed countries. According to
Santiso (2008), the major change in the world economy is being produced by the emerging
markets owing to the fact that although they used to constitute the periphery of the globe,
they are now moving to its center, displacing the role of the OECD countries. Therefore, the
terms “ developing nations” and “third-world countries” have become obs olete nowadays
and multinational enter prises coming from emerging markets (EMNEs) have been dubbed
as “unconventional multinat ionals” (Li, 2003), “global challengers” (BCG, 2009), and “new
multinationals” (Guillén & García-C anal, 2010). Among those enterprises, we will focus our
attention on Multi latinas.
Álvaro Cuer vo-Cazurra (2010) was the first author that coi ned this term, referrin g to
the companies coming from Americ an countries that were colonized by Spain, Portugal or
France and which pos sess added-value operations outside t heir places of origin. Besides,
for Cas anova and Fraser (2009), Multilati nas constitute the enterprises that have taken
advantage from their positions in their domestic markets in order to expand their operations

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