Esta no es una receta de tarta': la historicidad como elemento para la comprensión y la transformación de una actividad de gestión de residuos en un hospital universitario de Brasil - Núm. 57, Julio 2018 - Cuadernos de Administración - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 759123225

Esta no es una receta de tarta': la historicidad como elemento para la comprensión y la transformación de una actividad de gestión de residuos en un hospital universitario de Brasil

AutorMaurício Donavan Rodrigues Paniza, Marcio Pascoal Cassandre
Cuad. admon.ser.organ. Bogotá (Colombia), 31 (57): X-XX, julio-diciembre de 2018 | ISSN 0120-3592 / E-ISSN 1900-7205
Maurício Donavan Rodrigues Paniza**
Marcio Pascoal Cassandre***
* doi: 10.11144/Javeriana.cao31-57.tcrhe. Research paper. Received: 01/06/2018. Accepted: 14/11/2018.
Cite as: Rodrigues Paniza, M. D., & Cassandre, M. P. (2018). “This is not a cake recipe”: Historicity as
an element for the understanding and transformation of a waste management activity at a university
hospital in Brazil. Cuadernos de Administración, 31 (57), p-p.
** PhD in Business Administration, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP-FGV), São Paulo, Brazil, 2017. Associate
Professor of Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), São Paulo and Londrina, Br azil.
E-mail: /
*** PhD in Business Administration of Universidade Positivo (UP), Curitiba, Brazil, 2012. Assistant Professor
of Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, Brazil and Copenhage, Dinamarca.
Maurício Donavan Rodrigues Paniza, Marcio Pascoal Cassandre
Cuad. admon.ser.organ. Bogotá (Colombia), 31 (57): X-XX, julio-diciembre de 2018 | ISSN 0120-3592 / E-ISSN 1900-7205
“This is not a cake
recipe”: Historicity
as an element for the
understanding and
transformation of a
waste management
activity at a university
hospital in Brazil
ABSTRACT. This article analyzes the potential of interventions based on histo-
ricity for organizational learning. Intervention methodologies that include the
exploration of past executions allow projecting future changes in an activity. A
study of the Change Laboratory on the waste management activity was carried
out with a group of 20 workers from different areas in a university hospital in
Brazil. After 12 intervention sessions based on three types of historicity (history
in movement, history of memory recovery and history to build the present),
participants perceived that the organization of the activity had been insufficient
to meet the demands of the hospital and society. The present historicity in the
learning experience allowed participants to be aware of themselves and the
importance of waste management. This process occurred both from a func-
tional and a social point of view. Likewise, the study revealed the rejection of
the participants towards ready recipes for waste management in their hospital.
Keywords: Expansive Learning, Change Laboratory, Waste Management.
JEL Codes: M12, M54, Q53
“Esta no es una
receta de tart a”: la
historicidad como
elemento para la
comprensión y la
transformación de una
actividad de gestión
de residuos en un
hospital universitario
de Brasil
RESUMEN. Este artículo analiza el potencial de las intervenciones basadas en
historicidad para el aprendizaje organizacional. Las metodologías de interven-
ción que incluyen la exploración de las ejecuciones pasadas permiten proyec-
tar cambios futuros en una actividad. Un estudio de Laboratorio de Cambio
alrededor de la actividad de gestión de residuos fue realizado con un grupo
de 20 trabajadores de diferentes áreas en un hospital universitario en Brasil.
Luego de 12 sesiones de intervención basadas en tres tipos de historicidad
(historia en movimiento, historia de recuperación de la memoria e historia
para construir el presente), los participantes percibieron que la organización
de la actividad había sido insuficiente para atender las demandas del hospi-
tal y de la sociedad. La historicidad presente en la experiencia de aprendizaje
permitió que los participantes tomaran consciencia de sí mismos y de la im-
portancia de la gestión de residuos. Este proceso se dio tanto desde el punto
de vista funcional como social. Igualmente, el estudio reveló el rechazo de los
participantes hacia recetas listas de gestión de los residuos en su hospital.
Palabras clave: Aprendizaje organizacional, laboratorio de cambio, gestión de
residuos. Códigos JEL: M12, M54, Q53
“Esta não é uma
receita de bolo”: a
historicidade como
elemento para a
compreensão e a
transformação de uma
atividade de gestão de
lixo em um hospital
universitário do Brasil
RESUMO. Este artigo analisa o potencial das pesquisas baseadas em historici-
dade para a aprendizagem organizacional. As metodologias de intervenção que
incluem a exploração das execuções passadas permitem projetar mudanças
futuras em uma atividade. Um estudo de Laboratório de Mudança ao redor da
atividade de gestão do lixo foi realizado com um grupo de 20 trabalhadores de
diferentes áreas em um hospital universitário no Brasil. Após 12 sessões de
intervenção baseadas em três tipos de historicidade (história em movimento,
história de recuperação da memória e história para construir o presente), os
participantes perceberam que a organização da atividade tinha sido insuficiente
para atender as demandas do hospital e da sociedade. A historicidade presen-
te na experiência de aprendizagem permitiu que os participantes tomassem
consciência de si mesmos e da importância da gestão do lixo. Este processo
deu-se tanto desde o ponto de vista funcional quanto do ponto de vista social.
Igualmente, o estudo revelou a rejeição dos participantes por receitas prontas
de gestão para o lixo no seu hospital.
Palavras chave: aprendizagem organizacional, laboratório de mudança, gestão
do lixo. Códigos JEL: M12, M54, Q53
“This is not a cake recipe”: Historicity as an element for the understanding and transformation…
Cuad. admon.ser.organ. Bogotá (Colombia), 31 (57): X-XX, julio-diciembre de 2018 | ISSN 0120-3592 / E-ISSN 1900-7205
The discourse that the world is changing very rapidly is deep-rooted in our society. The
Fetish of Change, as Grey (2004) calls this omnipotent presence of such a change is
nothing more than the result of the very action of men in organizations, so it is not the
organizational environment that changes at a frenetic pace, but is itself men’s work in
organizations that generates this change. Being just a jargon present in society, that we
live times of unprecedented changes due to world is changing at an ever-faster rate or
that change is a consequence of human action, what is questioned is how the changes
affect the daily organizational context and cause signicant inuence in cer tain envi-
ronments. Because of that, managers need to develop skills such as innovation, exi-
bility, resilience, agility, and the ability to reevaluate strategies, in order to reformulate
methods and/or to adapt the administrative processes.
Recipes and prescriptions to generate changes and updates are sold as immediate
saviors to organizations that are involved in crisis contexts. However, in this frenetic
quest for change and practical recipes, we question whether what has been learned and
now needs to be changed is valued as an element of creation of the new. More directly,
the question is: how historicity from the Change Laborat ory intervention based on the
Cultural-Historical Activity Theor y (CHAT) can be used as a methodological resource for
organizational learning?
Our inspiration about historicity is the work of the Belar usian Lev Semyonovich Vygodsky,
in which the last name now is used as Vygotsky. He was born in 1896 and died in 1934 is
the main name of the call historical-cultural psychology t hat focused his studies on the
human nature of the twentieth century. Grounded on dialectical-historical mater ialism,
these studies were intended to understand psychological development as a hist orical
process. For him, the psychological functioning is based on social relations, which, in turn,
develop and are produced within the culture and in a historical process (Braga, 2010).
Lev Vygotsky was an important and expressive theor ist of twentieth-century psychology
who contrasted with the naturalistic, mechanistic, and idealis tic understandings of the
time and admitted the presupposition of the social constitution of psychic processes. In
his understanding, human development is produced in histor y and culture in processes
of signication. His grounding in Marx and Engels on consciousness establishes the un-
derstanding that the or igins of higher forms of conscious behavior should be pursued in
historically formed social conditions of life (Vygotsky, 1978). In this sense, the aspects

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