Open innovation and public basic sanitation services - Núm. 18-4, Octubre 2020 - Dimensión Empresarial - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 851378413

Open innovation and public basic sanitation services

AutorEverson Gava - Davi Lucas Arruda de Araújo - Rafael Morais Pereira - Flávia Cruz de Souza Murcia
CargoMsc in Business Administration, Senior Strategic Planning Analyst at Sabesp (Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo) - Phd in Business Administration, Research and Professor at Ibirapuera University - Phd(c) in Business Administration, Research at University of Sao Paulo, and Professor at Ibirapuera University - Phd in Business ...
How to cite this arcle
Gava, Everson; Araújo, Davi Lucas A.; Pereira, Rafael M. & Murcia, Flavia C. de S. (2020) Open innovaon in
ulies: a study in sanitaon companies. Dimensión Empresarial, 18(4). DOI: 10.15665/dem.v18i4.2245
This study sought to analyze innovaon management in regional sanitaon companies in Brazil and
verify the implementaon of open innovaon pracces in the research and development processes
of these companies. A qualitave, exploratory, and descripve research was carried out. The results
showed that companies intenonally use external sources of knowledge in their innovaon processes,
seeking to internalize technological innovaons in their operaons, and these interacons occur
mainly through agreements with universies and research instutes and cooperaon with suppliers.
Keywords: Innovaon, open innovaon, services, sanitaon.
Este estudo buscou analisar a gestão da inovação em empresas regionais de saneamento no Brasil e vericar
a implementação de prácas de inovação aberta nos processos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento dessas
empresas. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitava, exploratória e descriva. Os resultados mostraram que
as empresas ulizam intencionalmente fontes externas de conhecimento em seus processos de inovação,
buscando internalizar inovações tecnológicas em suas operações, e essas interações ocorrem principalmente
por meio de convênios com universidades e instutos de pesquisa e cooperação com fornecedores.
Palabras chave: Inovação, Inovação aberta, serviços, saneamento básico.
Este estudio buscó analizar la gesón de la innovación en empresas regionales de saneamiento en Brasil y vericar la
implementación de práccas de innovación abierta en los procesos de invesgación y desarrollo de estas empresas.
Se realizó una invesgación cualitava de carácter exploratorio y descripvo. Los resultados mostraron que las
empresas ulizan intencionalmente fuentes externas de conocimiento en sus procesos de innovación, buscando
internalizar las innovaciones tecnológicas en sus operaciones, y estas interacciones ocurren principalmente
a través de acuerdos con universidades e instutos de invesgación y la cooperación con proveedores.
Palavras clave: innovación, innovación abierta, servicios, saneamiento básico.
Research result arcle, developed in Mackenzie Presbyterian University, hps://, Sao Paulo, Brazil;
Ibirapuera University, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Recepon date: 22/01/2020. Acceptance
date: 15/08/2020.
Everson Gava
Msc in Business Administraon, Senior Strategic Planning Analyst at Sabesp (Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de
São Paulo). Mail:
Davi Lucas Arruda de Araújo
Phd in Business Administraon, Research and Professor at Ibirapuera University. Mail:
Rafael Morais Pereira
Phd(c) in Business Administraon, Research at University of Sao Paulo, and Professor at Ibirapuera University. Mail:
Flávia Cruz de Souza Murcia
Phd in Business Administraon, Research and Professor at Ibirapuera University. Mail: 
Dimensión empresarial, 18(4), everson Gava, Davi lucas arruDa De araújo, rafael morais pereira,
flávia cruz De souza murcia
Innovaon stands out in the eld of organizaonal
studies as an ecient strategic opon for companies
seeking to increase their economic power. Successful
innovaons can bring innumerable benets to the
companies that develop them, and thus the pursuit
of innovaon has become the goal of companies
seeking to gain an advantage in the markets in which
they operate, which may represent their survival
(Chandler, 1993; Drucker, 1986; Porter, 1990).
With the technological leap forward from the second
half of the tweneth century, the relentless pursuit of
innovaon has evolved rapidly, becoming the standard
in any market that a company might compete. To
overcome this challenge, companies began to invest
heavily in their organizaonal structures to establish
large internal R&D areas to achieve economies of
scale and scope. These centers sought to develop
products and technologies internally, always at lower
costs and with greater speed, so that the sponsoring
company could capture the value generated by these
developments and establish advantages in the face of
compeon, either by increasing their revenues or their
parcipaon. market (Chandler, 1993; Porter, 1990).
However, the concept arculated by Chesbrough
(2003) quesoned this established innovaon
management model, proposing that companies
should open their borders and processes to the
market. Open Innovaon has emerged as an
innovaon paradigm that implies that value ideas can
come from inside or outside the company, as well as
return to the market from within or using external
channels (Chesbrough, 2003).
Many companies are turning to open innovaon,
pushing the boundaries of companies by connecng
with external partners, exchanging, or sharing
informaon, projects, and knowledge. According to
Lindegaard (2010), this pracce has been used for some
years in a more structured way in developed countries,
and companies that use it tend to perform beer
than those that do not pracce it. The procedure is to
maximize resources for externally developed soluons
and moneze internally developed technologies that
nd no applicaon in key business acvies.
Inially focused on product and technology
development, research on innovaon increasingly
considered service economics (Gallouj & Weinstein
1997; Sundbo, 1997; Salter & Tether 2006; Tidd & Hull
2003; Sundbo & Gallouj 2000), given the importance in
creang wealth and jobs that this sector of the world
economy has represented (Huizingh, 2011). According
to a study published by the OECD, the service sector
accounts for over 60% of total economic acvity in
most of its member countries. In Brazil, according to
IBGE - the Brazilian Instute of Geography and Stascs
found that in 2012 the service sector accounted for
69.8% of Gross Domesc Product (IBGE, 2013).
Similarly, now as a recent phenomenon, there is
a growing body of research on Open Innovaon
in Services (Fasnacht, 2009; West, et al., 2014;
Mina, Bascavusoglu-Moreau & Hughes, 2014;
Myhren, et al., 2018; Paskaleva & Cooper, 2018).
For Chesbrough (2011) open innovaon in services
presents fundamental aspects very dierent from
those that make up the pracces of this model in
product development. Services are intangible and
dierent users may have dierent experiences using
the same service. For this author, Companies need to
think of their business as a service business, engage
customers in the innovaon process, and employ
open innovaon as a means of accelerang and
deepening service innovaon. Service innovaons
represent an important way for companies to
maintain their compeve advantage as products
become increasingly commodized.
In this same context, recent studies seek to address open
innovaon this me focusing on ulies (Chesbrough
& Vanhaverbeke, 2018; Mergel, 2018). Even various
levels of government are increasingly seeking to
realign their policies toward open innovaon (West,
et al., 2014). Iniaves such as Open Government
(Obama, 2009), Wiki government (Noveck, 2009)
aim to increase interacon between governments
and cizens to idenfy real problems and propose
soluons to be oered by the government (Fuglsang,
2008; Hilgers & Ihl, 2010; Lee, Hwang & Choi, 2012).
Public-Private Partnerships have also been the subject
of case studies from the perspecve of open innovaon

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