The United Nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods (cisg) and the Common Law: the challenge of interpreting Article 7 - Núm. 40, Enero 2014 - Revista Iusta - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 644500377

The United Nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods (cisg) and the Common Law: the challenge of interpreting Article 7

AutorIsabel Cristina Salinas Alcaraz
CargoAbogada, asesora de la Dirección de Inversión Extranjera y de servicios del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, magíster en Derecho (LLM) University of Melbourne, especialista en Derecho de los Negocios y Especialista en Derecho Comercial, docente de la Institución Universitaria Esumer-Medellín
ISSN: 1900-0448, IUSTA, N.º 40, enero-junio de 2014, pp. 57-93
and the Common Law: the challenge of
interpreting Article 7*1
Isabel Cristina Salinas Alcaraz**2
Recibido: 15 de febrero de 2014. • Revisado: 25 de febrero de 2014
Aprobado: 7 de marzo de 2014.
e interpretative methodology applied in Common Law CISG jurisprudence has
driven a disparity of reasoning that hinders a uniform application of its provisions.
is result is inconsistent with CISG Article 7 which mandates interpretation
of the convention in accordance with its international character and the need to
promote uniformity. is paper discusses the multiple aspects that have aected
the uniform interpretation of CISG norms, including a reference to the case law
in USA, Australia and Italy. Finally, the Unidroit principles are presented as an aid
to overcome the diculties in the application of CISG article 7.
Sale of Goods (CISG), Common Law, Uniformity of International Trade Law.
* El presente texto fue desarrollado en el marco de los estudios de maestría adelantados por la autora
en la Universidad de Melbourne–Australia (2012-2014).
** Abogada, asesora de la Dirección de Inversión Extranjera y de servicios del Ministerio de
Comercio, Industria y Turismo, magíster en Derecho (LLM) University of Melbourne, especialista en
Derecho de los Negocios y Especialista en Derecho Comercial, docente de la Institución Universitaria
Esumer–Medellín. Correo electrónico:
Isabel Cristina Salinas Alcaraz
Universidad Santo Tomás, Facultad de Derecho
L   V   
    COMMON LAW:    
  
La metodología interpretativa aplicada en la jurisprudencia del Common Law relativa
a la Convención de Viena sobre Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías ha
conducido a una constante disparidad de razonamientos que obstaculizan una apli-
cación uniforme de sus disposiciones. Este resultado es inconsistente con el artículo
7 de la Convención, el cual establece que esta debe ser interpretada atendiendo a su
carácter internacional y la necesidad de promover uniformidad. El presente texto
explora los múltiples aspectos que han afectado la interpretación uniforme de las
normas de la Convención, incluyendo una referencia a la jurisprudencia de Estados
Unidos, Australia e Italia. Por último, el texto presenta los principios de Unidroit
como una herramienta para superar las dicultades en la aplicación del artículo 7.
Palabras clave: Convención de Viena sobre Compraventa Internacional de Merca-
derías (CISG), Common Law, Uniformidad del Derecho Mercantil Internacional.
A   V     
    COMMON LAW:  
    
A metodologia interpretativa aplicada na jurisprudência do Common Law relativa
à Convenção de Viena sobre Compra-Venda Internacional de Mercadorias levou a
disparidades constantes de argumentos que impedem uma aplicação uniforme das
suas disposições. Este resultado é incompatível com o Artigo 7 da Convenção, que
arma que ele deve ser interpretado de acordo com o seu caráter internacional e a
necessidade de promover a uniformidade. Este artigo explora os múltiplos aspectos
que têm afetado a interpretação uniforme das normas da Convenção, incluindo
uma referência à jurisprudência dos Estados Unidos, Austrália e Itália. Finalmente,
o texto apresenta os princípios de Unidroit como uma ferramenta para superar as
diculdades na aplicação do artigo 7.
Palavras-chave: Convenção de Viena sobre Compra-Venda Internacional de Mer-
cadorias (CISG), Common Law, Uniformidade do Direito Mercantil Internacional..
sale of goods () and the Common Law: the challenge of interpreting Article 7
ISSN: 1900-0448, IUSTA, N.º 40, enero-junio de 2014, pp. 57-93
It has been widely considered that ‘the adoption of uniform rules’ contributes
to the reduction of legal obstacles in ‘International Trade’ and thereby, facilitates
its ‘development’1. To date, the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of
Goods (CISG) is part of the legal regime of 79 states2. e adoption of the con-
vention allows states to reassess their domestic law and to incorporate a normative
framework that more favours the necessities of international trade3. e CISG is
recognised worldwide as a success towards the achievement of international legal
Success of the convention does not appear so evident when examining the
Common Law jurisdictions where the CISG has been mostly ‘neglected’5. e
Common Law attitude for the CISG has been considered less than ‘enthusiastic’
in comparison to its reception by Civil Law countries6. Common Law case law
has been constantly criticised and accused internationally of being in breach of the
interpretative methodology of the CISG7; the predilection for domestic law during
the interpretive process being a dominant cause8. is obstructs international
signature 11 april 1980, 1489 UNTS 3 (entered into force 1 january 1988) (Hereafter ‘CISG’) Preamble.
Sale of Goods,;
3 Jan m. Smits, ‘problems of uniform sales law–why the cisg may not promote international trade’
2013/1 Faculty of Law Maastricht University 5.
4 Ibid.
5 See Luke Nottage, ‘Who’s Afraid of the Vienna Sales Convention (CISG)? A New Zealander’s
View from Australia and Japan’ (2005) 36 Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 815, 817; Monica
Kilian, ‘CISG and the Problem with Common Law Jurisdictions’ (2001) 10 Journal of Transnational
Law and Policy.
6 See Mathias Reimann, e CISG in the United States: Why It Has Been Neglected and Why Europeans
Should Care, Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht / e Rabel Journal of
Comparative and International Private Law, Bd. 71, H. 1, e Convention on the International Sale
of Goods –e 25th Anniversary: Its Impact in the Past– Its Role in the Future. German Society of
Comparative Law–Private Law Division Conference 2005, 22–24, september 2005, Würzburg (januar
2007) 129.
7 Franco Ferrari, Homeward Trend: What, Why and Why Not, in CISG Methodology / ed. by
André Janssen, Olaf Meyer (2009) 171.
8 André Janssen, Olaf Meyer Literal Interpretation The meaning of the words In CISG
Methodology / ed. by (2009) 82.

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